Re-Nou's Advent Calendar - 21 days of gifting small extras for free

(part I)
4th of December
each of the family members chooses their favourite Christmas song and queues them up - you all enjoy them with mulled wine!
each of the family members chooses their favourite Christmas song and queues them up - you all enjoy them with mulled wine!
5th of December
look for board games at home, and make a games night - as it is your gift to your partner/family member let them win once!
6th of December
it’s Sunday, there is a little more time to prepare - do what the Dutchies do on this St. Nickolaus day (Sinterklaas): write a funny poem about yourself
7th of December
it’s Monday and many of us just need a night to relax watching something - how about the ballet Nutcracker? If you have amazon prime you can stream Baryshnikov's Nutcracker from 1977
it’s Monday and many of us just need a night to relax watching something - how about the ballet Nutcracker? If you have amazon prime you can stream Baryshnikov's Nutcracker from 1977
8th of December
cook your favourite dish
9th of December
look back at all the photos you took this year, highlight the best moments and go down the memory lane on how many precious moments you had
10th of December
prepare coffee in bed
(part II)
11th of December
make a Fondue night
12th of December
do a cocktail night with you as a bartender
13th of December
write an “I love you” card
14th of December
take your favourite book and select the best pages or quotes, mark them, and give the book to someone you love
15th of December
get some fresh croissants or rolls from the bakery
16th of December
write a description of a nice hiking trail in the area, for example, an online route
description to do the route when lockdowns have lifted
17th of December
do a night of “this is what I learned embarrassingly late” facts
(part III)
18th of December
it's Fri-yay, prepare a candlelit dinner
19th of December
this one is more for the partner: massage voucher
20th of December
offer help to find last-minute gifts
21st of December
invite your/ your partner’s/ family member’s best friend for a pizza as a surprise
22nd of December
prepare a hot bathtub after a busy workday - but if you only have a shower, prepare a self-made scrub from used ground coffee, coconut oil, and sugar to use in a nice hot shower
23rd of December
lots of food is coming your way the following day - find a workout video of 10 mins (and motivate your partner to do it together)
24th of December
Merry Christmas! You have arrived - today it’s your day to receive gifts!