Care & Re-Nou

Care for Leather

What deserves a big care-for-guide is definitely leather care. Looking after your leather shoes or garments is very important. By doing so you could significantly extend the life of your shoes!...

Care for Leather

What deserves a big care-for-guide is definitely leather care. Looking after your leather shoes or garments is very important. By doing so you could significantly extend the life of your shoes!...

Care for Wellingtons

Good old rubber wellingtons are a lifesaver for wet days, whether you are going on a long Sunday walk in rainy weather or running errands in the city on a...

Care for Wellingtons

Good old rubber wellingtons are a lifesaver for wet days, whether you are going on a long Sunday walk in rainy weather or running errands in the city on a...

Care Label Instructions

Care Label instructions seem to be a whole science for itself. We thought we knew what they meant, as normally before turning on the washing machine we would regularly check...

Care Label Instructions

Care Label instructions seem to be a whole science for itself. We thought we knew what they meant, as normally before turning on the washing machine we would regularly check...

What does care mean?

Welcome to our little universe, where we want to share our ideas and knowledge of how to care, upcycle and prolong the life of our beautiful garments! Each and every...

What does care mean?

Welcome to our little universe, where we want to share our ideas and knowledge of how to care, upcycle and prolong the life of our beautiful garments! Each and every...